Pilot Group

With several thousand companies to target, across multiple sectors and of varying sizes, it really stretched the concept of one to many. However, the campaign delivered some great results in the first half of the year, with 33% of companies engaging in the campaign and more than 4,000 people responding to content.


Find out how Ice.Blue.Sky generated 4 SQLs from 18 target accounts within 2 months through account based marketing, for post purchase communications platform specialists Sorted.


Cisco is a global IT services provider, with a strategic goal of attributing 50% of its revenue to software and subscriptions by 2025 and 90% of its revenues attributed to its network of channel partners.


Discover how Ice.Blue.Sky achieved a 75% MQL conversion rate with IT monitoring specialists Lakeside. Learn how we did it, and how we can boost your conversion rate.


Account based marketing specialists Ice.Blue.Sky generated a 500% increase in social page followers, in just 45 days for call centre communications platform Gnatta. Growing your online presence is key to success in B2B marketing.